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Presenting Our 2006 Foals!

11 Jennets ~ 6 Jacks (5 Geldings)

Right As Rain
Click photo to enlarge imageminiature donkey, Right as Rain
(Click photos to enlarge)
Very Dark Brown Jennet
DOB 12/12/06
Birth Height: 20½"
Height on 6/09/07: 28½"
MDR #Pending
Microchip ID# on file

Sire: Big Woods Burr Foxx, 31" Dark Red w/Star
      Grand Sire:  Sunset Acres Blaze, 31¾" Dark Red
      Grand Dam:  LN E's Foxy Burr Rose, 32½" Light Red

Dam:  Big Woods LN Dark Image, 33¼" Black
      Grand Sire:  LN Dark Vader, 32" Black
      Grand Dam:  LN Josica, 33" Black

We woke up to a big surprise on the morning of 12/12/06. Image had foaled her first baby all by herself in the maternity ward. This is a very special little jennet....tiny, correct, with a gorgeous little head. This is Burr Foxx's first foal. He is now owned by Thom-Ass Acres, in Winchester, Indiana. They should really be proud of what he has produced! Burr Foxx is a grandson of LN Foxworthy on his top side and Bell E Acres Little Red Julie on the bottom of his pedigree. Check out her wide chest and that gorgeous tiny head. Rain in now being offered for sale! Visit our 'for sale' page for more information and updated photos and videos!

Click here Right as Rain - copyright Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys - Do Not Steal!to see more photos of Right As Rain!

New Home!


Skip To My Lu
Click photo to enlarge imageClick photo to enlarge image
(Click ph otos to enlarge)
Gray-Dun Jennet
DOB 11/02/06 @ 8:23pm
Birth Height: 19½"
MDR #Pending
Microchip ID# on file

Sire: Windcrest Firefly, 30½" Dark Red
      Grand Sire:  MGF Fiftyfire, 31½" Dark Red
      Grand Dam:  Windcrest Pinkee, 32" Red

Dam:  Pygmy Acres Farrah, 31" Traditional Gray-Dun
      Grand Sire:  Dino of Pygmy Acres, 31" Gray-Dun
      Grand Dam:  Bee-Bee, 32" Brown

Lulu's dam, Farrah, traces back to original imports, Parentheses and Luigi. Poor little Farrah..she has waited five years to have another baby and her new little girl was born with a stifle problem. Thank you to fellow marestare watcher, Sherrie McIntosh of DreamKeeper Miniature Horses, that has named our little girl Skip To My Lu. We are going to call her LuLu. Click the link below to read more about Lulu's progress and to see updated photos.

Click here Skip to my Lu - copyright Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys - Do Not Steal!to see more photos of Skip To My Lu!

New Home!
Congratulations to
Ron & Azilee Thompson
North Enough


Awww Pancho
Awww PanchoAwww Pancho
(Click photos to enlarge)

Very Dark Brown Jack (Gelded)
DOB 9/30/06 @ 9:50pm
Birth Height:  22"
MDR #47782
Microchip ID# on file

Sire:  PGF Peppercorn Jack,  30½" Brown
      Grand Sire:  My World Buster, 30¼" Sorrel
      Grand Dam:  Pine Grove Farm's Rhubarb, 31½" Gray-Dun

Dam:  R&D, D&H Elly May, 34" Gray & White Spotted
      Grand Sire:  Hartman's Donkeys Trenton, 33½" Brown/White Spot
      Grand Dam:  DMF Dixie, 33½" Gray-Dun

Elly May delivered our last foal for the 2006 season on 9/30 @ 9:50pm. Pancho is going to be a forever buddy with Cisco (see below) who was born ten days ago!

Click hereAwww Pancho - copyright Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys - Do Not Steal! to see more photos of Pancho!

New Home!
Congratulations to
Steve & Wini Rowan
Byhalia, Mississippi!


The Cisco Kid
The Cisco Kid, red/brown gelding prospectThe Cisco Kid, red/brown gelding prospect
(Click photos to enlarge)
Red/Brown or Dark Brown Jack (Gelded)
DOB 9/20/06 @ 9:02pm
Birth Height: 21½"
MDR #47781
Microchip ID# on file

Sire: Windcrest Firefly, 30½" Dark Red
      Grand Sire:  MGF Fiftyfire, 31½" Dark Red
      Grand Dam:  Windcrest Pinkee, 32" Red

Dam:  LN Pixie of Belle E Acres (aka Sheena), 29½" Red/Brown
      Grand Sire:  Lazy N Noah, 32¾" Gray-Dun
      Grand Dam:  Jessie of Bell E Acres, 32½" Gray-Dun

Cisco was named by his new owners. Cisco is waiting for our next little boy to be born so that they can 'buddy-up' and be little gelding friends for life. Cisco is a little hambone. He would have posed all day long for me. He is very photogenic and he knows how handsome he is.

Click this link The Cisco Kid - copyright Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys - Do Not Steal!to see more photos of Cisco!

New Home!
Congratulations to
Steve & Wini Rowan
Byhalia, Mississippi!


Ch Ching
Half Ass Acres Ch ChingHalf Ass Acres Ch Ching
(Click photos to enlarge)

Rose-Dun & White Spotted Jennet
DOB 9/20/06 @ 5:08pm
Birth Height:  22½"
Height on 6/06/07: 30¼"
MDR #47784
Microchip ID# on file

Sire:  PGF Peppercorn Jack, 30½" Brown
      Grand Sire:  My World Buster, 30¼" Sorrel
      Grand Dam:  Pine Grove Farm's Rhubarb, 31½" Gray-Dun

Dam:  Windcrest Little Sierra, 33" Black & White Spot
      Grand Sire:  Fisher's Ghost, 30" Fully-frosted White
      Grand Dam:  Sutherlin's Little Reba, 33" Smoky Black

Ch Ching's name means excellent, fantastic, and is believed to come from the sound falling coins make. Her color is a red/brown or rose-dun with white spots. She has two dark eyes with eyeliner all around. A big thank you to all my friends in Heaven but especially Martha Wilhoit for helping deliver this baby safely. This jennet is a full sister to Half Ass Acres Mojave who appeared on the cover of Asset Magazine this summer! She is also a full sister to Half Ass Acres Splish Splash and a half sister to Half Ass Acres Hula Hoop.

Click here Ch Ching!!!!!!! - copyright Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys - Do Not Steal!to see more photos of Ching!
Updated June 2007!!

New Home!
Congratulations to
Flight of Fancy
New Hampshire!


Guilty as Cyn
HHAA Guilty as CynHHAA Guilty as Cyn
(Click photos to enlarge)
DOB 9/13/06 around midnight?
Birth Height:  21"
Height on 3/07/07: 27½"
Brown/Gray & White Spotted Jennet
MDR #47783
Microchip ID# on file

Sire:  Ass-Pirin Acres Spectacular, 31¾" Few Spot White
      Grand Sire:  Evan's Bluff Miniatures Solstice, 30¼" Light Red
      Grand Dam:  Engman's Apache Girl, 34½" Brown/White Spot

Dam:  HHAA Inga, 33½" Very Dark Brown
      Grand Sire:  My World Sidney, 30¼" Dark Gray-Dun
      Grand Dam:  The Red Gates Maria, 33½" Black/Brown

We think Cyn will shed off to be a dark brown & white spotted. She actual measured less than 21" tall! I had jury duty the day this jennet was born. I checked bags at 7am before I left for court. Did not arrive home until 10pm as I was hung up deliberating a case with my fellow jury members. I checked bags at 10pm and no one had white milk. My husband arrived home at 1am to find that Inga had foaled this precious jennet who was still wet in the maternity ward!

Click here Guilty as Cyn - copyright Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys - Do Not Steal!to see more photos of Cyn!

New Home!
Congratulations to
Morgan Bates
Hawk Wind Farm
Mattawan, Michigan!!


A Walk in the Park
aka Parker
A Walk in the Park, Light Red Gelding ProspectA Walk in the Park, Light Red Gelding Prospect
(Click photos to enlarge)
Light Red Jack w/lots of leg garters (Gelded)
DOB 8/28/06 @ 11:17pm
Birth Height: 24"
MDR #47217
Microchip ID# on file

Sire: Windcrest Firefly, 30½" Dark Red
      Grand Sire:  MGF Fiftyfire, 31½" Dark Red
      Grand Dam:  Windcrest Pinkee, 32" Red

Dam:  Windcrest Just Peachy, 34" Light Red
      Grand Sire:  Springlake Razmataz, 30½" Light Red
      Grand Dam:  Windcrest Copper Penny, 31½" Dark Red

Parker is an exact replica of his mother. He is a beautiful pink/beige with a lot of garters up and down his legs. His bite is perfect and his head is very pretty. He is going to be too tall for a herd sire and will be offered as a gelding when he is ready to be weaned around the first of the new year.

Click here A Walk in the Park - copyright Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys - Do Not Steal!to see more photos of Parker!

New Home!
Congratulations to
Ron & Azilee Thompson
North Enough


Temptation Eyes
aka Tempest
Temptation Eyes aka TempestTemptation Eyes aka Tempest
(Click photos to enlarge)
Dark Brown Jennet
DOB 8/13/06 7:20am
Birth Height:  23½"
MDR #46999
Microchip ID# on file

Sire:  Ass-Pirin Acres Spectacular, 31¾" Few Spot White
      Grand Sire:  Evan's Bluff Miniatures Solstice, 30¼" Light Red
      Grand Dam:  Engman's Apache Girl, 34½" Brown/White Spot

Dam:  My World Holly, 34 5/8" Very Dark Brown Jennet
      Grand Sire:  LCR Valintino 75, (a.k.a. Red Baron), 34" Dark Sorrel
      Grand Dam:  MW Heidi, 31" Very Dark Brown w/NLP

A big beautiful dark girl with a gorgeous wide head with big, big eyes! She is very heavy boned and stocky. Tempest was named by Joe because she was born on his birthday.

Click here to see more photos of Tempest!Temptation Eyes - copyright Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys - Do Not Steal!

New Home!
Congratulations to
Ron & Azilee Thompson
North Enough


Shadow of a Doubt
Shadow of a DoubtShadow of a Doubt
(Click photos to enlarge)
Black Jack NO CROSS & Tiny Star
DOB 8/02/06 4:44am
Birth Height:  22½"
MDR #46828
Microchip ID# on file

Sire:  Ass-Pirin Acres Spectacular, 31¾" Few Spot White
      Grand Sire:  Evan's Bluff Miniatures Solstice, 30¼" Light Red
      Grand Dam:  Engman's Apache Girl, 34½" Brown/White Spot

Dam:  Half Ass Acres Whoopi, 33¾" Black w/Cross
      Grand Sire:  Rastus, 29" Black
      Grand Dam: Ferncroft's Oda Maye, 35" Gray-Dun

Shadow is black and he does not appear to have a hint of a cross. The inside of his ears are black and so is his belly. He does have brown around the base of his ears and across the bridge of his nose. We could not be more surprised! We are not positive that he will remain black without a cross but we are sure of his great conformation, heavy bone, straight legs and his gorgeous, tiny and wide head. This is Spectacular's first foal and we are very pleased.

Click here Shadow of a Doubt - copyright Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys - Do Not Steal!to see more photos of Shadow.

New Home!
Congratulations to
Jim & Bonnie Jones
MiniDonk USA


Hand Painted 'n Heaven
Hand Painted 'n HeavenHand Painted 'n Heaven
(Click photos to enlarge)

Brown/Gray & White Spotted Jennet
DOB 6/07/06 @ 11:40pm
Birth Height:  22¾"
Height on 6/06/07: 30¾"
MDR #46833
Microchip ID# on file

Sire: Windcrest Comet's Fire & Ice, 28¾" Dk Brn/Wht Spot
      Grand Sire:  MGF Fiftyfire, 30½" Dark Red
      Grand Dam:  Windcrest Little Suzanna, 33¼" Dk Brn/Wht Spot

Dam:  Moe Moe Acres Suzie Q, 34" Brown/Gray-Dun
      Grand Sire:  Fisher's Great Gildersleeve, 32¼" Tri-Colored Spot
      Grand Dam:  Elm Acres Iris, 32½" Gray-Dun

She's here...and hand painted from Heaven by Martha. Heaven is one of the prettiest spotted jennets I have ever seen. Very heavy boned with a super wide chest and rear. This baby has the legendary LCR Valintino 50th and The Fireman in her pedigree!! She has the best set of legs you could ever hope for...very straight..wide in-between...and heavy boned. Her spot pattern is striking and just flawless! A big thank you goes out to Butch & Sarah Nowlin at Moe Moe Acres for allowing Heaven's mom to come and live at Half Ass Acres. Purchasing Heaven's dam, Suzie, was one of the wisiest decisions we have made! It is hard to beat a good ole' tried and true gray-dun jennet as a spot producer. Heaven is the proof.

Click here Hand Painted 'n Heaven - copyright Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys - Do Not Steal!for more photos and a video of Heaven! Updated June 2007!

New Home!
Gone to Florida!!


(Click photos to enlarge)

Dark Red Jack w/Star (Gelded)
DOB 6/05/06 11:58pm
Birth Height:  23"
MDR #46829
Microchip ID# on file

Sire: Sunset Acres Hoops, 31½" Jet Black w/NLP
      Grand Sire:  Circle C Black Russian, 30" Black w/NLP
      Grand Dam:  R&D, D&H Molly, 32¾" Black

Dam:  Windcrest Red Target, 33" Dark Red w/BullsEye Star
      Grand Sire:  Cobra's Red Man, 30½" Dark Red
      Grand Dam:  Cobra's Golden Molly, 32¼" Brown

When we purchased NotoriASS's dam, Target, we did not know she was in foal by the previous owner's jack. So we were very surprised when we noticed his mom developing a 'bag'. NotoriASS is going to make someone one heck of a show gelding one day. He is very strking, heavy-boned and correct. He will be offered as a gelding when he is weaned right before Thanksgiving.

NotoriASS's new owners are going to call him Gambit!

NotoriASS - copyright Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys - Do Not Steal!Click here for more photos of NotoriASS!

New Home!
Congratulations to
Whisper Ranch, Inc.
Buford, Georgia!


Little Whiskey Girl
Little Whiskey GirlLittle Whiskey Girl
(Click photos to enlarge)
Red/Brown (Bay Pattern) Jennet
DOB 5/21/06 @ 2:20pm
Birth Height: 18¾"
MDR #46832
Microchip ID# on file

Sire:  PGF Peppercorn Jack,  30½" Brown
        Grand Sire:  My World Buster, 30¼" Sorrel
      Grand Dam:  Pine Grove Farm's Rhubarb, 31½" Gray-Dun

Dam:  Jalan's Morning Glow, 30¾" Red
      Grand Sire:  Jalan's Carolina Red, 32" Red
      Grand Dam:  Sunset Acres Sweet Muffy, 32" Red

Glow fooled us..she barely had a bag the morning of 5/21 and clear milk late on the night before...but we saw her drop down at 2pm the next day and go into labor while she was in the maternity ward. We did not even have time to get her under the barn cam. This is the tiniest baby we have ever had born on this farm! If you saw Whiskey in person you would swear she was not a hair over 15 inches..but we carefully measured her and she is 18¾" tall. She is very petite and compact which gives her the appearance of being even smaller.

Hear Whiskey's first bray.

Whiskey's first day outside.
Little Whiskey Girl - copyright Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys - Do Not Steal!
Click here for a video and more photos of Little Whiskey Girl!

New Home!
To everyone that expressed an interest in purchasing Little Whiskey Girl we apologize.. we had no intentions of ever selling this little girl but we were made an offer we simply could not refuse!


Secret's Out
Secrets OutSecrets Out
(Click photos to enlarge)

Black Jennet w/Cross
DOB 5/20/06 @ 9:57pm
Birth Height:  22" (just a hair over!)
Height on 3/09/07: 29¾"
MDR #46831
Microchip ID# on file

Sire:  Circle C Motown's Secret, 33" True Black w/NLP
      Grand Sire:  Circle C Little Motown, 35 1/8" Black w/Cross
      Grand Dam:  Dark Secret of Circle C, 34½" Dark Brown

Dam:  Engman's Shawnee, 33¾" Dark Brown/White Spot
      Grand Sire:  Hartman Donkey's Trenton, 33½" Tri-Color Spot
      Grand Dam:  Sunset Acres Danielle, 33¼" Gray

The secret is out....National Champion Circle C Motown's Secret has been gelded and this is his last foal!! His legacy will live on with this nice heavy-boned little girl! When we took Outie out in the sun we got a nice surprise..she is black with a cross also.....just like her half-sister, Dirty Little Secret, born three days earlier.

Click here Secret's Out! - copyright Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys - Do Not Steal!to see more photos of Outie!
This little mininature donkey has a new home!


Dirty Little Secret
Dirty Little SecretDirty Little Secret
(Click photos to enlarge)

Black Jennet w/Cross & Intermediate White Muzzle
DOB 5/17/06 @ 7:25am
Birth Height:  23"
Height on 6/10/07: 32½"
MDR #46830
Microchip ID# on file

Sire:  Circle C Motown's Secret, 33" True Black w/NLP
      Grand Sire:  Circle C Little Motown, 35 1/8" Black w/Cross
      Grand Dam:  Dark Secret of Circle C, 34½" Dark Brown

Dam:  Windcrest Sunshine Girl, 33" Dark Brown/White Spot
      Grand Sire:  Sam Magic Place, 31¼" Gray-Dun
      Grand Dam:  Miss Susie Bell, 34" Brown/White Spot

She's finally here! Dirty is one of National Champion Circle C Motown's Secret's last foals. She's a beauty and has that same winning expression that says she wants to be a show donkey just like her dad! She has an intermediate white muzzle..the only white on her except for a little white fuzz in her ears and under her front and rear legs...her belly is dark and she has no eye rings.

Click here Dirty Little Secret - copyright Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys - Do Not Steal!to see more photos of Dirty!

The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale
Dirty Little Secret was offered in
The Great American Donkey Sale
July 28, 2007, in Lebanon, Ohio

Click here for details!

New Home!


Shuda Benna Cowboy
Shuda B'n'a CowboyShuda B'n'a Cowboy
(Click photos to enlarge)

Dark Brown Jack (Gelded)
DOB 3/31/06 @ 6am
Birth Height:  24"
MDR #45751
Microchip ID# on file

Sire:  MGF Primero, 32½" Black & White Spot
      Grand Sire:  Dewey Meadows Primo, 32" Black/Brown & White Spot
      Grand Dam:  MGF Venus Godiva, 32" Dark Brown

Dam:  Half Ass Acres Flo Jo, 34¾" Black/Brown
      Grand Sire:  Fisher's Great Gildersleeve, 32¼" Tri-Color Spot
      Grand Dam:  Half Ass Acres Whoopie, 32¾" Black

A nice healthy dark brown boy born @ 6am. He looks exactly like Flo's last baby born two years ago, Baby Phat, only he has an intermediate white muzzle. Cowboy has personality plus and he entertains us for hours every day!

Click here Shuda Benna Cowboy - copyright Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys - Do Not Steal! to see more photos of Cowboy!

New Home!
Congratulations to
The Wallens
Jonesboro, Georgia!


Tease The Boys
a.k.a. Flirt
Tease The Boys, aka FlirtTease The Boys, aka Flirt
(Click photos to enlarge)

Dark Brown & White Spotted Jennet
DOB 3/26/06 @ 10:00pm
Birth Height:  23"
Height on 6/10/07: 31"
MDR #45753
Microchip ID# on file

Sire:  MGF Primero, 32½" Black & White Spot
      Grand Sire:  Dewey Meadows Primo, 32" Black/Brown & White Spot
      Grand Dam:  MGF Venus Godiva, 32" Dark Brown

Dam:  Sunset Acres Buffy, 34¼" Dark Brown
      Grand Sire:  Circle C Little Motown, 35" Black
      Grand Dam:  Hartman's Lass #39, 33" Brown

Dark spot with a wide blaze and a bull's eye star on her forehead. Two dark eyes with dark eyeliner all around both eyes. Four dark legs with one back white pastern. She has a dark band across her nose that makes her look like she is wearing a halter. One of the most unusual spots we have ever seen. She measured 23" the day after she was born but she has the longest hooves I have ever seen on a newborn and she arrived three weeks past her due date. So sorry but this little girl is NOT for sale!

Click here Tease The Boys, aka Flirt - copyright Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys - Do Not Steal!to see more photos of Flirt!


Hey, Sailor!
Half Ass Acres Hey, Sailor!Half Ass Acres Hey, Sailor!
(Click photos to enlarge)
Dark Brown Jennet
DOB 3/13/06 @ 10:15pm
Birth Height:  21"
Height on 6/10/07: 29½"
MDR #45752
Microchip ID# on file

Sire:  PGF Peppercorn, 30½" Brown
     Grand Sire:  My World Buster, 30¼" Sorrel
       Grand Dam:  Pine Grove Farm's Rhubarb, 31½" Gray-Dun

Dam:  Gladybrooke Glorianna, 30 ½" Very Dark Brown
      Grand Sire:  Gladybrooke Skip, 29" Dark Brown
      Grand Dam:  Heighmah's Chloe, 32" Gray-Dun

Our first foal of the 2006 season! Sailor is stocky, correct, and so very, very tiny! Sailor is a full sister to Bedazzled and Ma Bell. Sorry but this little girl is NOT for sale!

Click here Hey Sailor! - copyright Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys - Do Not Steal!to see more photos of Sailor!

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Welcome to HAA Miniature Donkeys!

Joe & Dayle Haworth
2359 Feedmill Road
Chapel Hill, Tennessee   37034

Call or Text: Tel.#615-504-4536

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Last Updated:  05/26/2024 15:18:06
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