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Visitors by appointment only...615-504-4536.

"Why Donkeys Are Unsuitable
As Livestock Guardians"

  by Jane Savage

Proud Members of the following:

ACOSA - American Council of Spotted Asses
ADA - American Donkey Association
ADMS - American Donkey and Mule Society
NMDA - National Miniature Donkey Association

We encourage you to also join the above associations for many different advantages.Text us for details. Tel.#615-504-4536

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All   Jacked Up
a.k.a. "Ollie"

(Click photos to enlarge)
Frosted Spotted White Gelding Prospect
DOB 8/27/24 @ 10:22 pm
Birth Height: 20" ~ Birth Weight: 20.8 lbs.
MDR # (applied for 9/13/24)
ACOSA # (applied for 11/03/24)
Microchip ID# on file

Sire: HHAA Goosebumps, 32" Black & White Spotted
      Grand Sire:  TTW Cowboy's Kalamazoo, 30 5/8" Black/White Spot
      Grand Dam:  H. R. Stella, 32¾" Black, NLP

Dam:  Carousel Garden's Sweet Sensation, 30¼" FFSW
(Fully Frosted Spotted White)
      Grand Sire:  Kritter Korner's D. K. Casper, 31½" White *FSW
      Grand Dam:  Adele's Adorable Arabella, 32" Gray-Dun

Click MDR sign for Miniature Donkey Registry Pedigree Ollie's pedigree!
  (coming soon)

Ollie will be first offered to those on our waiting list. He will be castrated and sold as a gelding. He will be up to date on de-worming, hoof trims and vaccinations.  He will be given Prestige 5+ West Nile which also protects against Eastern/Western Enchepalitis, Rhino, Influenza, and Tetanus. He will have his first shot and his booster of the same three weeks later. So he will not need another vaccination until the following year. He will also be given a separate vaccination to protect him from Rabies, as well, He will be microchipped and double registered in the Miniature Donkey Registry in Texas and also registered in The American Council of Spotted Asses so that he can show in all NMDA shows and ACOSA classes. 

Ollie currently has many red spots, but like his dam and his previous brothers and sisters, we expect him to eventually frost out. He has black eyeliner all the way around both eyes which is very striking. Thank you to my great nephew, Will, for giving Ollie his barn name. We love it!

Gone to a new home!
First day outside



Miniature Equine Treadmill

Equine Treadmill For Sale
Equine Treadmill For Sale
Equine Treadmill For Sale
Equine Treadmill For Sale
Equine Treadmill For Sale
Equine Treadmill For Sale
Equine Treadmill For Sale

(Click photos to enlarge)

We no longer have use for our electric equine treadmill. It is in working condition with no missing parts. It works great for miniature equines or other small animals like dogs, sheep, etc. The incline is stationary. You must pick up at our location. Guaranteed to be in working order. It is very heavy so you will need to bring at least three or four strong men to load it.

Measurements: 70" tall x 36" wide x 126" long approxiamately

 Price $1500


Red  Covered Wagon

(Click photos to enlarge)

Covered Red Wagon for sale. Never used and always kept inside.

Dimensions:  41" Tall x 43" Long x 24" Wide

This wagon was purchased brand new for $500 from Tractor Supply several years ago but it has never been used and has always been kept inside. The top can easily be removed if needed. This should fit in the back of a car or truck for hauling. Pick up or pre-pay.

Price $250


arm Isabella

Spotted Miniature Donkey For Sale
Spotted Miniature Donkey For Sale
Isabella as a newborn below.
Spotted Miniature Donkey For Sale Spotted Miniature Donkey For Sale
(Click photo to enlarge)

Tyger Spotted Jennet
DOB 11/17/23 @ 3:23 pm
Birth Height:  20¾" ~ Birth Weight: 20½ lbs.
MDR #(Pending)
ACOSA #(Pending)
Microchip ID# on file

Sire: HHAA Goosebumps, 32" Black & White Spotted
      Grand Sire:  TTW Cowboy's Kalamazoo, 30 5/8" Black/White Spot
      Grand Dam:  H. R. Stella, 32¾" Black, NLP

Dam:  KKR Bell Blue, 33½" Dark Gray, NLP
      Grand Sire: Flight of Fancy Cardinal RG, 30½" Light Red
      Grand Dam:  Heavenly Sydney, 35" Brown/Gray & White Spotted

We are offering for a friend one of our herdsire's and former jennet's tyger spotted jennet foal for sale. Here is what the owner has to say about Isabella:

Isabelle is a beautiful girl with such a sweet soul. She has been growing up with goats, chickens, little girls, and other donkeys, so she's used to all that. She just loves to be loved on. She is up to date on her vaccinations and has regular hoof trimmings. She is ready to go to her new home. Isabella is a full sister to Fairy Tails Farm Arial. We accept check, Venmo, or Zelle. Note - the pink on her hind leg in the pictures is from missing the umbilical cord with the spray. We're in St. Charles, Illinois but we have delivered Isabella to Half Ass Acres in Chapel Hill, Tennessee. Contact Elaine Maxwell for any questions at 970-531-3255 by text or phone or e-mail" Or Dayle Haworth @ 615-504-4536 by text or e-mail if you want to see Isabella in person.

Click here for her sire's pedigree.

Click here for her dam's pedigree.

Isabella's pedigree will be completely full with no blank spots and no repeats!

Gone to a new home!


If you see a donkey you like be sure to send us a deposit to hold it so you won't miss out! We cannot hold a donkey without a deposit. Sorry but too many broken promises in the past. Discounts given when purchasing more than one donkey. Donkeys are much happier when paired up.

All of our miniature donkeys are microchipped to comply with the new Miniature Donkey Registry regulations. We do NOT let pet jacks go to their new homes without being castrated by our vets at our expense. Our vets will castrate our foals at five months of age and we keep them at no additonal charge until they are healed. Jacks are not pets and under no circumstances will we allow an uncastrated jack to leave for their new home and put our customers at risk. Castrating donkeys is a little different than castrating other equines and we would rather our very experienced vets handle that operation before they go to their new homes.

All of our donkeys are sold with a negative coggins test (whether sold out of state or not); health certificate (if sold out of state); pedigrees; one to two sets of registration papers (MDR - Miniature Donkey Registry and ACOSA - American Council of Spotted Asses...if spotted papers are applicable;) complete health records; a new halter and lead rope; a hard cover book to hold all records plus several 8 x 10 full color photographs; a left and right side photo ready to send in with their registration transfers if updated photos are needed; a personalized dvd with all unedited photos and all unedited videos ever taken of your donkey by us; a unique edited music video of your donkey only; an exclusive 'Half Ass Acres' t-shirt (not available anywhere else!); a current year or next year Donkey Calendar; and many, many more goodies; and, most importantly, a recipe for caring, training and loving them!!

All of our donkeys are vaccinated against the following:

Eastern/Western Encephalomyelitis, Tetanus, Rhino, Influenza, West Nile and Rabies. All of our adult donkeys are also vaccinated against Botulism. We do offer significant discounts on package deals or if you have previously purchased a donkey from us. All of our donkeys comply with the new Miniature Donkey Registry rules by being microchipped.

Contact us for more details or visit our 'Jennets Due to Foal' page. We have them lined up from top to bottom in the order we expect them to foal.

We are no longer taking deposits. That quickly became a nightmare to keep everyone happy. If you want to be on our waiting list please send the following information to our email address of

Street Address:
City, State, Zip Code:
Telephone Number:
Email Address:

and we will gladly add you to our waiting list.

Call or text (Tel. #615-504-4536) or E-Mail ( for an appointment.

All photos are clickable to enlarge! All of our photos are
clickable to enlarge!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys


E-mail us for your next miniature donkey!
E-mail Us!

We accept PayPal payments!
* Fast, free, and secure online payments!!!! *

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Click on this link:
to send a deposit to reserve your donkey now!
If you use pay pal be sure to add the 3%
service charge that Pay Pal charges us.

Welcome to HAA Miniature Donkey Farm!

Click here for the Miniature
Mediterranean Donkey Breed Standard.

We accept PayPal payments!
* Fast, free, and secure online payments!!!! *

Solution Graphics
Click on the 'PayPal' image to send us
a deposit to reserve your donkey now!
(add 3% to the total if you are paying by Pay Pal)

*If you send us a payment through PayPal, use
our e-mail address of:

If you pay thru Venmo use our user name of: @Dayle-Haworth

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Susan Watson at Tennessee Crossroads meets a Chapel
Hill couple whose farm is filled with diminutive donkeys.

Made by Julia Vaughn exclusively for Half Ass Acres! ~ Photo by Dayle
Welcome to HAA Miniature Donkeys!

Joe & Dayle Haworth
2359 Feedmill Road
Chapel Hill, Tennessee  37034
Call or Text: Tel.#615-504-4536

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E-mail Graphics Designed by Mary Garren of Joyful Moments Web Designs (9884 bytes)
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