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Presenting our 2008 Foals
10 Jennets ~ 6 Jacks (5 Geldings)

Streak of Lightning
aka Streaker
HHAA Streak of Lightning , aka StreakerHHAA Streak of Lightning , aka Streaker
(Click photos to enlarge)

Dark Red Jack w/White Streak (Gelded)
DOB 10/20/08 @ 1:58am
Birth Height:  22" ~ Birth Weight: 31 lbs.
Height on 3/06/09: 27 ¾"
MDR #55689
Microchip ID#on file

Sire: Windcrest Firefly, 30½" Dark Red
      Grand Sire:  MGF Fiftyfire, 31½" Dark Red
      Grand Dam:  Windcrest Pinkee, 32" Red

Dam:  758's Sophia, 34" Red
      Grand Sire:  758's Rosebud, 32" Red
      Grand Dam:  LCR Philamena 79, 33¾" Dark Red

A beautiful, healthy heavy-boned boy with a lightning bolt shaped star and show quality conformation. Thank you to little angels at marestare for coming up with the perfect name! His barn name will be Streaker. Click here for a video of his birth if you missed it. Thank you to Chero on marestare for taking the video!

Click here Streak of Lightningto see more photos of Streaker!

This little Miniature Donkey has a new home!


'Atta' Boy
aka Adam
HHAA Atta Boy, a.k.a. AdamHHAA Atta Boy, a.k.a. Adam
(Click photo to enlarge)
Dark Red Jack w/Star (Gelding)
DOB 9/23/08 @ 10:35am
Birth Height: 21 ¾" ~ Birth Weight: 25 lbs.
Height on 3/06/09: 27 ½"
MDR #55688
Microchip ID#on file

Sire: Windcrest Firefly, 30 ½" Dark Red
      Grand Sire:  MGF Fiftyfire, 31 ½" Dark Red
      Grand Dam:  Windcrest Pinkee, 32" Red

Dam:  Windcrest Strawberry Jam, 33 ¼" Dark Red/Roan
      Grand Sire:  The Fireman, 32 ½" Dark Red
      Grand Dam:  MGF Venus Fyrina 55, 33" Dark Red

If you missed the birth click on this link for a video replay thanks to Maureen at marestare! Adam's graphic is in progress now!

Click here to see more photos of Adam!

This little Miniature Donkey has a new home!
Adam's new owners have changed
his name to Dodie's Diablo...he will
be stablemate's to Cisco and Pancho.


Rocket's Red Glare
Rocket's  Red GlareRocket's  Red Glare
(Click photo to enlarge)
Red Jennet w/Faint Star
DOB 9/10/08 @ 5:31pm
Birth Height: 22" ~ Birth Weight: 26 lbs.
Height on 4/01/09: 27¼"
MDR #55690
Microchip ID#on file

Sire: Windcrest Firefly, 30 ½" Dark Red
      Grand Sire:  MGF Fiftyfire, 31 ½" Dark Red
      Grand Dam:  Windcrest Pinkee, 32" Red

Dam:  Windcrest Little Bridget, 32 ¾" Dark Red
      Grand Sire:  Windcrest Little Red Man, 31" Dark Red
      Grand Dam:  Windcrest Red Beau's Robin, 32" Brown

It seems every time we have a foal I say, "this one is the prettiest one ever!" We have been so blessed with so many gorgeous foals this year and each one is so special and unique. Rocket is another one that fits this description.

In keeping with the Patriotic week of 9/11 we wanted to name this beautiful little jennet in remembrance of that day in history. May we never forget what happened the day that has forever changed our country and may "God continue to bless America."

Can you believe we missed Rocket's birth? Yes, we left for only a few minutes to run get dinner just two miles down the road and our phone started ringing the minute we sat down to eat. The Mare Stare family was doing their usual outstanding job of notifying us that we had a jennet in labor. I rushed out of the restaurant, leaving Joe behind, and was home in 3 minutes. This outstanding little red jennet, Rocket, was on the stall floor greeting me and letting me know she was just fine and perfect in every way.

After quickly cleaning the stall I ran back to the restaurant to pick up Joe and we both came back to enjoy the beauty of Rocket, our newly born little girl.

Bridget has always been a jennet we loved and we even owned her at one time when she, herself, was a tiny little girl. When we recently had the opportunity to purchase her again we did and are so happy to have her back with us at our farm. Rocket is the same beautiful color as Bridget and is the "spitting image" of her mother. You see she, too, is perfect in every way. She is stocky, perfect bite, straight legs, fantastic head, and that friendly personality that we all like to experience in our donkeys.

Rocket lights up our eyes as we admire her beauty, lights up our hearts with her endearing personality, and lights up our farm as she mingles with the other donkeys that are quickly becoming her friends. Our patriotic little girl will wave true in our hearts and at our farm!!

Gone to a new home!
Click here Rocket's Red Glare for more photos of Rocket!


Apple of My Eye
aka Eve
Apple of My Eye, a.k.a. EveApple of My Eye, a.k.a. Eve
(Click photo to enlarge)
Dark Red Jennet
DOB 9/05/08 @ 3:25pm
Birth Height: 21 ¾" ~ Birth Weight: 23 lbs.
Height on 4/01/09: 28 ¾"
MDR #55691
Microchip ID#on file

Sire: Windcrest Firefly, 30 ½" Dark Red
      Grand Sire:  MGF Fiftyfire, 31 ½" Dark Red
      Grand Dam:  Windcrest Pinkee, 32" Red

Dam:  Windcrest Summer Sunrise, 32 ¼" Dark Red
      Grand Sire:  The Fireman, 32 ½" Dark Red
      Grand Dam:  Boone's Little Rose Marie, 32" Rose-Dun Roan

Eve catches your eye with her dark red color, captures your heart with her endearing personality, and melts in your arms as she runs to get her hugs and scratches. She is truly the “Apple of OUR Eye” and always will be special to us.

Summer Sunrise, and her half sister, Strawberry Jam, were born only 9 days apart 10 years ago in 1998. They have always been together and when sold they have always been sold together. This is the last home they will ever have and we are so proud to say we own these two girls. Their pedigree is highly sought after, as their sire, The Fireman, is no longer producing foals. We are so lucky to have these two girls as permanent residents of Half Ass Acres.

It took us a couple days to get Eve’s photos as it was a very rainy afternoon and night when she was born, and the next day was so cloudy and dreary that no way would we get her outside in the mud and clouds for a photo session. I am sure glad we waited so you would be able to she her at her very best…..outstanding in all ways....(compact body, great legs, perfect bite, endearing personality, soft eyes, rich color, and excellent pedigree).

Click here Apple of My Eye, aka Eveto see more photos of Eve!

This little Miniature Donkey has a new home!

News Flash!!! HHAA Apple of My Eye aka "Eve" won NMDA Junior Champion at The Oregon Mule & Donkey Showon August 7th, 2010 for
her new owner, Julie Jones, at JF Ranch in Washington. Photo coming!


Gussy Up
Gussy UpGussy Up
(Click photo to enlarge)

Light Gray-Dun (Rose-Dun) Jennet
DOB 8/29/08 @11:36am
Birth Height:  21 ¼" ~ Birth Weight: 24 ½ lbs.
Height on 1/1/09: 26 ¾"
MDR #54502
Microchip ID#on file

Sire:  Short ASSets Superstar, 30" Very Dark Brown
      Grand Sire:  Short ASSets Star's War, 30½" Dark Brown
      Grand Dam:  PMF Twilight,
30½" Black w/Cross, NLP

Dam:  Emerald Ridge Piper, 29¾" Gray-Dun, NLP
      Grand Sire:  Emerald Ridge Ricco, 31½" Gray-Dun
      Grand Dam:  
Emerald Ridge Twiggy, 31¾" Gray-Dun

We LOVE this little gray, brown, rose-dun, or whatever color you may think Gussy is to you. All we know is it is very different color and she is as cute as it gets! She is truly a people pleaser and everyone falls in love with her as soon as they lay eyes on her.

The minute she sees us coming she is running over to greet us. She appears to be all “gussied up” in her grayish, brownish, rose-dun, coat of many hues, and saying “come on let’s go.” She is eager to play, run, follow, and just have her nose in to everything going on in her little donkey world. “Miss Happy” should be her middle name as she enjoys everything and everyone. Big smiles appear on faces when they meet Gussy Up…..even Gussy seems to smile.

We purchased Gussy’s mother, Emerald Ridge Piper, sight unseen, about a year ago. When we went to pick Piper up we could not believe our eyes. We were already in love with this little gray donkey that was going back to our farm. She was everything we had wanted in a little gray 'no light points' jennet. She sure gave us the cutest little “grayish, rose-dun” jennet in the world. We could not be more pleased with Piper and her little girl, Gussy.

Feel free to drop by for a visit with Gussy and take a souvenir smile home with you.

If you missed the birth click here for a replay compliments of our friend, Gita, at marestare.

Click here Gussy Upfor more photos of Gussy!

Gone to a new home!


Black 'n' Blue
aka Bruise
Black 'n' Blue, aka Bruise Sept 6th, 2008 ~ Photo by Brenda & CaseyBlack 'n' Blue, aka Bruise Sept 6th, 2008
(Click photo to enlarge)

Black w/Cross Jack w/Tiny Star & Dark Belly
DOB 8/09/08 @ 4:31am
Birth Height:  20 ¾" ~ Birth Weight: 25 ½ lbs.
Height on 5/17/09: 28 ¾"
MDR #54503
Microchip ID#on file

Sire:  Itsy Bitsy Front and Center, 31" Black w/Star
      Grand Sire:  Circle C Main Event, 32 ½" Black
      Grand Dam:  Valiant Tequila, 33 5/8" Gray-Dun

Dam:  Sunset Acres Junebug, 32 ½" Black, NLP
      Grand Sire:  Circle C Little Motown, 35 1/8" Black
      Grand Dam:  Sunset Acres Zelda, 32" Black, NLP

Where to start?? I can’t begin to tell you how proud we are with this tiny hunk of a black jack. Probably need to start telling you about his dam, Junebug. Don't tell the other donkeys but Junebug is my favorite.

Five years ago, before we ever owned Junebug, she had a baby that had to be delivered Ceserean and did not live. We had always admired Junebug's beauty and wanted to own her but Linda Trimnell would not begin to entertain selling her. Luckily, when Ed and Linda dispursed of their herd, we were able to purchase this drop dead gorgeous jennet. That’s her background in a nutshell.

For five years Junebug had not had another foal. So with baited breath we waited for the arrival of this foal. No way were we going to leave the farm for a second when her due date came. Junebug's water broke at 4:21 am and I started praying nintey miles per hour for a safe delivery. At 4:25 am the first little hoof arrived and Bruise slid out and took his first breath at 4:31am. That was the fastest, most textbook delivery we have ever had in all our years of having foals. Whew!!!! What a sigh of relief for us that she had no trouble whatsoever. Praise the Lord for answered prayers!

Now, about Bruise. I think his pictures say it all but just let me say this is one stout boy. His wide chest, his stocky build, his heavy bone structure, that perfect small head, all are the makings of a Jr. Herd Sire if I ever did see one. He weighed in at 25 ½ lbs and only 20 ¾ inches tall. It was evident this little black hunk could deliver a “knock-out punch” in the pasture with the girls, or in the ring…that is show ring. We decided Bruise best suited this dark colored jack that was so “black” he almost looked “blue”---Black 'n’ Blue already has a best buddy named Presto so the boy already has great taste.

Sorry, but for now, Bruise will remain at our farm as he matures into our next Junior Herd Sire. How could we possibly sell Junebug's baby that she has waited on for so long?

Photos above made possible by my good friends, Brenda and Casey. They took his full body shot above. I love it! Buise is almost a month old in the photos above. We had to wait because his ears were not straight when he was first born but as you can see they are standing at full attention now. Bruise is not for sale at this time!

Click here Black 'n' Blue, aka Bruiseto see more photos of Bruise!


In A Tizzie
Ina TizzieIna Tizzie
(Click photo to enlarge)

Dark Gray-Dun Jennet
DOB 8/05/08 @ 1:24pm
Birth Height:  21 ¼" ~ Birth Weight: 27 ¾ lbs.
Height on 3/20/09: 28"
MDR #54501g
Microchip ID#on file

Sire:  Itsy Bitsy Front and Center, 31" Black w/Star
      Grand Sire:  Circle C Main Event, 32 ½" Black
      Grand Dam:  Valiant Tequila, 33 5/8" Gray-Dun

Dam:  Dewey Meadows Valerie, 31" Dk Brn/Gray/White Spot
      Grand Sire:  Dewey Meadows Valentino, 32 ¾" Dark Brn/White Spot
      Grand Dam:  Dewey Meadows Cactus Flower, 31" Gray-Dun

This precious little jennet was no problem for us to name. We had been in a “Tizzie” just waiting for Valerie to have this foal. She had miscarried her last two foals so all eyes were on her for this birth. We had put her up in the birthing stall Tuesday morning around 9:00 a.m. as we noticed some changes in her behavior and her anatomy. It was still a few weeks before her due date but we didn’t want to take any chances with her. Thank goodness we did that because by 1:15 p.m. Valerie was in full blown labor. With baited breath Joe and I watched until it was safe to enter. Valerie was delivering her baby with no trouble whatsoever. What a relief!! She was a real pro with a textbook delivery.

In-A Tizzie described me, Joe, and the newborn foal. She was up and ready to check things out in no time at all. She was jumping and bucking as if to say, "I made it, I’m here, now show me the ropes." We have laughed at her antics as she keeps us entertained with her constant energy.

Tizzie is the most unusual color sometimes looking mostly gray and other times gray with brown tones. Whatever it is we love it and have never seen it before in our foals. She has the smallest most correct little head which her sire, Beamer, seems to pass on to his foals. We love her short, stocky body but adore her playful personality. What a fun little girl!!!! Pardon her different shades of gray but it is due to the sun going in/out while we were taking photos. Tizzie is for sale! Visit our 'for sale' page for more information.

Click here In a Tizzieto see more photos of Tizzie!

This little Miniature Donkey has a new home!


Goochie Goo
Goochie GooGoochie Goo
(Click photo to enlarge)

Very Dark Brown or Black ? Jennet
DOB 8/04/08 @ 10:11am
Birth Height:  21 ½" ~ Birth Weight: 26 ½ lbs.
Height on 1/02/09: 27 ¾"
MDR #54500
Microchip ID#on file

Sire:  Itsy Bitsy Front and Center, 31" Black w/Star
      Grand Sire:  Circle C Main Event, 32 ½" Black
      Grand Dam:  Valiant Tequila, 33 5/8" Gray-Dun

Dam:  Windcrest Kewpie Doll, 33" Brown & White Spot
      Grand Sire:  PGF Peppercorn Jack, 30 ½" Brown
      Grand Dam:  Windcrest Sunshine Girl, 33" Dk Brown & White Spotted

Well, it just took a while to name this precious little dark jennet. I can’t tell you how many names were sent to me as suggestions and I loved so many. It was so hard to pick just the right name for this perfect jennet. Thanks for all the suggestions!

She is everything one would hope for in a newborn jennet. She has the pedigree of champions, is short and stocky, straight as can be, and a charm about her that is breath taking. Goochie appears to possess all the attributes to be an awesome brood jennet, show girl, or both. We are just so blessed to have her. She proudly wears her extensive gene pool which makes her such an exceptional jennet.

If you look at her pictures, each one tells you something about her “look at me attitude”, her confidence, and her extreme beauty, her show girl pose, yet her young innocence. When you look at her your heart just melts and you immediately go to her wanting to love and adore her. I have found myself even talking to her and saying, “Goochie, Goochie Goo” sweet baby. She talks right back to me with sweet hugs and a gentle warmth. She assures me all is well and I do the same for her. She has to have an endearing name so we have chosen to name our new baby, “Goochie Goo”. She loves it and so do we.

New Home!
Headed to Texas!

Video of mom and Goochie taken August 5th, 2008.
New video taken on March 4th, 2009 @ 7 months.
Click here Goochie Gooto see more photos of Goochie!


(Click photo to enlarge)

Black Jack w/Large Star (Gelded)
DOB 7/11/08 @ 4:56pm
Birth Height:  24 ¼" ~ Birth Weight: 32 ¼ lbs.
Height on 5/17/09: 30 ¾"
MDR #54504
Microchip ID#on file

Sire:  Itsy Bitsy Front and Center, 31" Black w/Star
      Grand Sire:  Circle C Main Event, 32 ½" Black
      Grand Dam:  Valiant Tequila, 33 5/8" Gray-Dun

Dam:  Windcrest Little Sierra, 33" Black & White Spot
      Grand Sire:  Fisher's Ghost, 32" Fully-frosted White
      Grand Dam:  Sutherlin's Little Reba, 33" Black w/Cross

The foaling of this gorgeous black jack came right in the middle of one of the biggest donkey shows for the year. Luckily Sierra had lots of signs that she was ready to have her baby. I had come home from the show with some breeders from Texas who had wanted to see our farm and our donkeys. Joe had stayed home from the show to watch Sierra and the Marestarers had been keeping me posted on her condition. Luckily, as if it was MAGIC we were all right here on the farm the minute Sierra went in to labor.

In honor of our visitors, Ed and Angela Preston of Hill Country Miniatures in Texas, we decided to name this boy Presto. Thank you to Wendy Lyon for dreaming up the perfect name. It was truly an “abracadabra moment” for all of us….when he was finally on the stall floor we could tell that he was one magnificent boy. He is a big boy and one that I would love to keep and train as my very own gelding. No doubt he has the looks to catch the judge’s eye and his personally is just as magical as his looks. I can see him now in a polished harness strutting his stuff in the show ring. He is one of the prettiest newborn donkeys you have ever seen. His pictures and videos say it all!

Click here to see a video of the birth compliments of our friend, Eennie, on marestare.

Left video taken 7/13/08 ~ Right video taken 2/24/09 when Presto was gelded
Click here Presto!for more photos of Presto!

New Home!


Champagne Jam
Champagne JamChampagne Jam
(Click photo to enlarge)

Frosted Spotted White Jennet
DOB 6/09/08
Birth Height:  22 ¼" ~ Birth Weight: 27 ¾ lbs.

Height January 4, 2008: 29 ¼"

MDR #54499
ACOSA #Pending
Microchip ID#on file

Sire:  Ass-Pirin Acres Spectacular, 31 ¾" Few Spot White
      Grand Sire:  Evan's Bluff Miniatures Solstice, 30 ¼" Light Red
      Grand Dam:  Engman's Apache Girl, 34 ½" Brown/White Spot

Dam:  Windcrest Tangerine Twist, 33 ½" Dark Red
      Grand Sire:  Windcrest Little Red Man, 31" Dark Red
      Grand Dam:  Seymour's Magdalena, 32 ½"Red

The delicate color of champagne and the sweetness of homemade jam all wrapped up in this precious sorrel spotted jennet. She is simply beautiful displaying her blanket of soft pink as she makes herself so available to us as we enter her paddock. She runs to greet us every time she see us and rubs against us showing how much she enjoys being with people. We have to be very careful when we leave her paddock as she would walk right on out with us. Jammy is truly a people/lap donkey.

Here we are with every kind of technology in our home and barn to help us watch for our jennets when they go in to labor. But this little one picked a very unusual time to be born….6:00 p.m. and we were not on watch at that time. We had just finished having a 2 day donkey clinic at our farm and were worn out! Imagine our surprise when we went to check the foaling monitor and found this beautiful spotted jennet still wet and just barely up on her feet for the first time. A real “toast” is due to Windcrest Tangerine Twist and Ass-pirin Acres Spectacular for a job well done with their little girl. There is not a sweeter jennet in the world than her dam, Tangerine, and Jammy has certainly inherited tons of sweetness from her mom….and wants to share it all!

Click here Champagne Jamto see more photos of Jammy.

Gone to a new home!


Drama Queen
HHAA Drama QueenHHAA Drama Queen
(Click photos to enlarge)
Dark Red Jennet w/Star
DOB 4/17/08 @ 9:48pm
Birth Height: 22" ~ Birth Weight: 27 lbs.
Height Janaury 4, 2009: 28 ¾"
MDR #53013
Microchip ID#on file

Sire: Windcrest Firefly, 30 ½" Dark Red
      Grand Sire:  MGF Fiftyfire, 31 ½" Dark Red
      Grand Dam:  Windcrest Pinkee, 32" Red

Dam:  LN Pixie of Belle E Acres (aka Sheena), 29 ½" Red/Brown
      Grand Sire:  Lazy N Noah, 32 ¾" Gray-Dun
      Grand Dam:  Jessie of Bell E Acres, 32
½" Gray-Dun

She's a beauty!! She is compact and square. Just perfect in every way. Thank you to Asta Pinderup for naming Queenie the perfect name. Asta viewed the birth (which was quite dramatic) at marestare all the way from Denmark!! Drama Queen is not for sale!

Click here to see more photos of Queenie!


Simon Sez
Simon SezSimon Sez
(Click photos to enlarge)

Very Dark Brown Jack w/NLP (Gelded)
DOB 4/12/08 @ 10:16pm
Birth Height:  21 ¾" ~ Birth Weight: 25 lbs.
Height 6/23/08: 25 ¼"
MDR #53011
Microchip ID#on file

Sire:  PGF Peppercorn, 30½" Brown
      Grand Sire:  My World Buster, 30 ¼" Sorrel
      Grand Dam:  Pine Grove Farm's Rhubarb, 31 ½" Gray-Dun

Dam:  Engman's Shawnee, 33¾" Dark Brown/White Spot
      Grand Sire:  Hartman Donkey's Trenton, 33 ½" Tri-Color Spot
      Grand Dam:  Sunset Acres Danielle, 33 ¼" Gray

Simon is beyond precious!

Click here
Simon Sez - copyright Half Ass Acres for more photos of Simon!

Gone to a new home!


Bet on the Derby
Itsy Bitsy Bet on the DerbyItsy Bitsy Bet on the Derby
(Click photos to enlarge image)
Dark Spotted Jennet
DOB 4/10/08 @ 7:04pm
Birth Height: 22" ~ Birth Weight: 23 lbs.
Height 6/30/08: 26 ¾"
MDR #53015
Microchip ID#on file

Sire: Sunset Acres Smart Derby, 32 ½" True Black
      Grand Sire:  Rhone's Little Brown Satchel, 30 ½" Black w/Cross
      Grand Dam:  R&D D&H Molly, 32
½" Black

Dam:  Big Woods Best Kept Secret, 33 ¼"Dark Spotted
      Grand Sire:  Circle C Motown's Secret, 33" Black w/NLP
      Grand Dam:  Fisher's Justine, 32 ½" Gray & White Spotted

She's here!! The product of two National Champions and it shows from her head to her tail! So sorry to everyone who missed the birth. Marestare was down due to technical difficulites. Bessie has produced herself only better! A sign of a great brood jennet. This little girl has two dark eyes with dark eyeliner all around..wide chest...perfect bite. A wonderful spot pattern almost perfectly symetrical with four dark legs except for two rear white fetlocks. Thank you to Deby Cochran for coming up with the perfect name for this little girl.

Click here to see more photos of Bets!

This little Miniature Donkey has a new home!
We had no intentions of selling this girl but
we were made an offer we simply could not refuse!


Star Struck Annie
Star Struck AnnieStar Struck Annie
(Click photo to enlarge image)
Red Jennet w/Star
DOB 3/27/08 @ 4:09pm
Birth Height: 23 ¾" ~ Birth Weight: 33 lbs.
Height 6/23/08: 27 ½"
MDR #53014
Microchip ID#on file

Sire: Windcrest Firefly, 30 ½" Dark Red
      Grand Sire:  MGF Fiftyfire, 31 ½" Dark Red
      Grand Dam:  Windcrest Pinkee, 32" Red

Dam:  Windcrest Just Peachy, 34" Light Red
      Grand Sire:  Springlake Razmataz, 30 ½" Light Red
      Grand Dam:  Windcrest Copper Penny, 31
½" Dark Red

Annie's new owner has been waiting for the birth of Peachy's foal for months. As fate would have it Annie was born on her birthday! Annie has show quality conformation...very square, correct and heavy boned. If you missed the birth click this link for a replay compliments of Rachel from marestare!

Star Struck Annie - copyright HHA - Do Not Steal!Click here to see more photos of Annie!


Good Friday
Good FridayGood Friday
(Click photo to enlarge image)
Dark Brown Jack (Gelded)
DOB 3/21/08 @ 3am
Birth Height:  24 ¼" ~ Birth Weight: 34 lbs.
Height 6/30/08: 28 ½"
MDR #53010
Microchip ID#on file

Sire: Windcrest Firefly, 30
½" Dark Red
      Grand Sire:  MGF Fiftyfire, 31 ½" Dark Red
      Grand Dam:  Windcrest Pinkee, 32" Red

Dam:  My World Holly, 34 5/8" Very Dark Brown
      Grand Sire:  LCR Valintino 75, (a.k.a. Red Baron), 34" Dark Red
      Grand Dam:  MW Heidi, 31" Very Dark Brown w/NLP

We were blessed with a big, beautiful bouncing boy on Good Friday. He is a beautiful shade of brown with the most gorgeous face. If you missed it click this link for a video of the birth compliments of Rhonda B at marestare.

Good Friday -  copyright Half Ass Acres! Good Friday -  copyright Half Ass Acres!
Good Friday -  copyright Half Ass Acres! Good Friday -  copyright Half Ass Acres!

Click here to see more photos of Friday!

Gone to a new home!


Miss Hifalutin
Miss HifalutinMiss Hifalutin
(Click photo to enlarge image)
Dark Brown Jennet
DOB 3/11/08 @ 12:25am
Birth Height:  20 ¾" ~ Birth Weight: 23 ½ lbs.
Height 6/30/08: 25 ½"
MDR #53012
Microchip ID#on file

Sire:  PGF Peppercorn, 30 ½" Brown
     Grand Sire:  My World Buster, 30 ¼" Sorrel
       Grand Dam:  Pine Grove Farm's Rhubarb, 31½" Gray-Dun

Dam:  Gladybrooke Glorianna, 30 ½" Very Dark Brown
      Grand Sire:  Gladybrooke Skip, 29" Dark Brown
      Grand Dam:  Heighmah's Chloe, 32" Gray-Dun

Our first foal of the 2008 season! Glorianna did it again! Her fourth girl in a row. She foaled a dark brown girl when I retired three years ago and she just had to do it again when Joe retired this week! She is a full sister to Bedazzled, Ma Bell, and Hey Sailor.

Miss Hifalutin - copyright HHA Miniature Donkeys Miss Hifalutin - copyright HHA Miniature Donkeys
Miss Hifalutin - copyright HHA Miniature Donkeys Miss Hifalutin - copyright HHA Miniature Donkeys

Click here to see more photos of Hifalutin.

This little Miniature Donkey has a new home!
We had no intentions of selling this little girl but
we were made an offer we simply could not refuse!

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Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born in 2024!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born in 2023!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born in 2022!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born in 2021!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born in 2020!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born in 2019!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born in 2018!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born in 2017!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born in 2016!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born in 2015!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born in 2014!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born in 2013!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born in 2012!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born in 2011!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born in 2010!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born in 2009!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!You are now on our 2008 foal page.Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born in 2007!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born in 2006!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born in 2005!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born in 2004!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born in 2003!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born in 2002!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born from 1996 to 2001!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

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Joe & Dayle Haworth
2359 Feedmill Road
Chapel Hill, Tennessee   37034

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