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This month's featured video!

Presenting our 2011 Foals
5 Jennets ~ 3 Jacks (2 Geldings)
All of our 2011 Foal Crop has been sold!

Bells 'n' Whistles
Ma Bell's 2011 Jennet FoalMa Bell's 2011 Jennet Foa
(Click photos to enlarge)

Dark Spotted Jennet
DOB 10/24/11 @ 7:45pm
Birth Height:  20¾" ~ Birth Weight: 21.6 lbs.
MDR # pending
Microchip ID# pending

Sire: Heiken's Ark Napoleon, 31½" Dark Tri-Colored Spot w/NLP
      Grand Sire:  Heiken's Ark Dandy, 30¼" Dark Spotted
      Grand Dam:  LN Nigeria, Grulla Brown/Gray w/NLP

Dam:  HHAA Ma Bell,  31½" Brown
      Grand Sire:  PGF Peppercorn Jack,  30½" Brown
      Grand Dam: Gladybrooke Glorianna, 31" Very Dark Brown

Click MDR sign for Miniature Donkey Registry Pedigree her pedigree! (pending)

What a way to end our 2011 foaling season! Ma Bell & Napoleon produced the most gorgeous dark spotted jennet you have ever laid your eyes on. She has dark eyeliner around both eyes, 50/50 dark to light spot pattern that is very symetrical on both sides, and what a tiny girl too! This little girl has a perfect bite, very stocky and a head to die for.  Just a very, very special little girl! 

Going to a new home!
Australia Bound!

Outside video & photos taken at 18 hours old!
New head shots taken
at beginning of video at 3 days of age!

Close-up live birth video taken at Half Ass Acres

Click here to see marestare's foaling video compliments of WyCherie


Black 'n' Bling
HHAA Black 'n' BlingHHAA Black 'n' Bling
(Click photos to enlarge)

Black Jack w/White Star & Snip
DOB 6/13/11 @ 3:49am
Birth Height:  21" ~ Birth Weight: 24.5 lbs
DNA Type on file @ Texas A&M University

MDR #61414
Microchip ID#on file

Sire: HHAA Black 'n' Blue (Bruise), 30½" Black w/Cross
      Grand Sire:  Itsy Bitsy Front and Center, 31" Black w/Star
      Grand Dam:  Sunset Acres Junebug, 32½" Black NLP

Dam:  Windcrest Gidget, 32 ½" Black w/Cross & Star
      Grand Sire:  Springlake Black Magic, 31½" Black w/Cross
      Grand Dam:  Springlake Candy, 32" Brown

Click MDR sign for Miniature Donkey Registry Pedigree Bling's pedigree!

We expected alot out of this crossing but Black 'n' Bling has far surpassed anything we could imagine. He is blue/black with a star and an unusual snip on his nose right between his nostrils. He has the best attributes and qualities of both parents. He has his dad's 'baby-doll' head with big, expressive blue/gray eyes and stocky conformation. His legs are straight and wide and he is an elegant mover that appears to glide over the ground. He has long banana shaped ears. Bling inherited both parent's calm disposition and diminutive size.

Even at his young age, Bling is confident and independent much to his mom's dismay. He has no fear of surroundings or strangers. He is already walking over obstacles on our trail course.

Donkeys like Bling come around once in a blue moon. It is obvious to everyone that he is definately herd sire material. The minute he hit the ground he had a presence that captured our attention and completely put us under his spell.  Visit us soon to be mesmerized too!!

Going to a new home!
England Bound!

Bling's first day out at 30 hours old!

Close-up birth video of Bling at Half Ass Acres

Marestare birth video compliments of WyCherie!


Baptism by Fire
HHAA Baptism by Fire (Babs)HHAA Baptism by Fire (Babs)
(Click photos to enlarge)
Dark Red Jennet
DOB 5/02/11 @ 6:08pm
Birth Height: 21" ~ Birth Weight: 23½ lbs.
MDR #61415

Microchip ID#on file

Sire:  My World Winston,  30½" Light Red
      Grand Sire: My World Vincent, 32½" Light Red
      Grand Grand Dam:  My World Myra, 30½" Dark Brown

Dam:  Ass-Pirin Acres Felina, 31 ½" Dark Red
      Grand Sire:  Arbor Ledge Little Red, 31½" Red
      Grand Dam:  Shawmar's Fatima of Ass-Pirin Acres, 32¼" Dark Red

Click MDR sign for Miniature Donkey Registry Pedigree Bab's pedigree!

We had been anxiously awaiting this 'My World Winston' foal and we could not be more pleased. She is fire ball red with heavy bone and near perfect conformation. She is tiny yet stocky with an awesome presence about her.

Baptism by fire will purify the things in you that need to be purged. We loved the meaning of the phrase and this is the perfect little jennet to bestow this name upon.

Going to a new home!

Babs first day outside on May 5th, 2011!

Close-up birth video of Babs at Half Ass Acres

Marestare birth video compliments of WyCherie!


HHAA StilettoHHAA Stiletto
(Click photos to enlarge)

Dark Red Jennet w/Tiny Star
DOB 5/01/11 @12:50pm
Birth Height:  21¼" ~ Birth Weight: 23½ lbs.
MDR #61419

Microchip ID#on file

Sire: Windcrest Firefly, 30½" Dark Red
      Grand Sire:  MGF Fiftyfire, 31½" Dark Red
      Grand Dam:  Windcrest Pinkee, 32" Red

Dam:  Windcrest Amber Rose, 33" Red
      Grand Sire:  Windcrest Little Red Man, 31" Dark Red
      Grand Dam:  Seymour's Sunflower, 32" Red

Click MDR sign for Miniature Donkey Registry Pedigree Stiletto's pedigree!

Everybody knows the aesthetic benefits of high heel stilettos but red stilettos are the best of all! How could we name this awesome girl anything other than Stiletto??  She has everything any breeder would ever look for. A tiny head with big bedroom eyes on top of a well balanced frame plus the personality of a 'kitten with a whip!" Therefore, her barn name is Kitty. She is sassy, classy and  she thinks she is all that. This girl demands attention and makes you think it was all your idea.

Going to a new home!

Stiletto's first day in the pasture on May 6th, 2011.

Close-up birth video of Stiletto at Half Ass Acres


Pinkie Swear
HHAA Pinkie  Swear a.k.a. CussHHAA Pinkie  Swear a.k.a. Cuss
(Click photos to enlarge)
Light Red (Beige) Jack (Gelding)
DOB 5/01/11 @ 1:03am
Birth Height: 21¾" ~ Birth Weight: 25¼ lbs.
MDR #61418

Microchip ID#on file

Sire:  My World Winston,  30½" Light Red
      Grand Sire: My World Vincent, 32½" Light Red
      Grand Grand Dam:  My World Myra, 30 ½" Dark Brown

Dam:  Sunset Acres Lady Slipper, 31" Light Red w/Star
      Grand Sire:  Hedrick's JJ, 31" Light Red
      Grand Dam: Bell E Acres Red Jubilee, 32½" Red

Click MDR sign for Miniature Donkey Registry Pedigree Cuss's pedigree!

Marestare's May Foal of Month 2011!Marestare's May Baby of the Month! Pinkie Swear (Cuss) was the first foal born for the month of May on marestare's barn cams.

When I was a young girl I made many 'pinkie swears' but none compare to this cross between one of my favorite brood jennets, a light red (pink) jennet named Lady Slipper and My World Winston, one of the most impressive jacks I have ever known. I swear...this foal is a wonderful blend of both of his parent's best attributes; so good that it made us actually cuss when we saw him! Hence his barn name, Cuss! Cuss is small, compact, powerfully stout, with a chest to die for. His light red color makes him stand out amongst all of our foals. He has that cocky attitude that draws the girls to him in droves.

This foal is a full brother to FOF Cardinal RG, FOF Angel Fire, FOF Mach One, FOF Tomcat, and FOF Sheridan. He is a half brother to FOF Aphroditie's Pink Nitie who is a member of our future brood jennets. 

Gone to a new home!
Colorado Bound!

Cuss's first day in the big pasture on 5/04/11

Close-up birth video of Pinkie Swear (Cuss) at Half Ass Acres

Thank you once again to WyCherie at marestare for the birth video!


HHAA PeepsHHAA Peeps
(Click photos to enlarge)
Light Red (Pink) Jennet w/Tiny Star
DOB 4/24/11 @ 11:21pm
Birth Height: 22" ~ Birth Weight: 28 lbs.
MDR #61417

Microchip ID#on file

Sire:  My World Winston,  30½" Light Red
      Grand Sire: My World Vincent, 32½" Light Red
      Grand Grand Dam:  My World Myra, 30½" Dark Brown

Dam:  Windcrest Red Target, 33" Dark Red w/BullsEye Star
      Grand Sire:  Cobra's Red Man, 30½" Dark Red
      Grand Dam:  Cobra's Golden Molly, 32¼" Brown

Click MDR sign for Miniature Donkey Registry Pedigree Peep's pedigree!

We had been watching Target non-stop for days. She had all the signs of foaling including white milk, but, for some reason she was holding out having her baby. I think I know why now!

Late Easter Sunday evening is when Target wanted to give us the best Easter present of all. She had been saving her until the last minute so it would be a very dramatic ending to such a special Easter Holiday! I can tell you without a doubt this foal was well worth the wait. Everyone who knows me can tell you that my favorite candy in the world is the candy only available at Easter time….Peeps! I can never seem to get my fill of those “all sugar chicks.” This little jennet is truly my Peeps! I cannot seem to get my fill of this little girl…..I am addicted!. She is as sweet and delicious as an Easter basket chock full of PEEPS! We wanted to name this gorgeous red jennet, with a star on her forehead, something very sweet and meaningful....and my friend, Dena, thought of this perfect name for her. Peeps is truly a knock-out and her heavy bone, wide chest, long ears, and pleasing personality make her the “sweetest Easter candy” in our basket this year.

Joe and I are so pleased with her and feel so blessed to have had her sire, Winston, stay at our farm for a short period of time last year. We now have 2 fantastic foals from breeding him to several of our finest jennets. Praise the Lord…Life Is Good! We really want to have this bloodline in our herd so we will be keeping Peeps and adding her to our permanent brood jennet herd at the appropriate age. Until that time we will simply love and adore her as she shares her beauty and sweetness with all of us at Half Ass Acres. Please feel free to come see her and get “a taste” of Peeps. She will become your favorite candy as well!

Going to a new home!
Peeps first day outside at 14 hours old!

Close-up birth video of Peeps at Half Ass Acres

Thank you once again to WyCherie at marestare for the birth video!


Sweet Punch
HHAA Sweet PunchHHAA Sweet Punch
(Click photos to enlarge)

Black Jennet w/Cross, Intermediate Muzzle & Blue/Gray Eyes!
DOB 4/23/11 @2:51am
Birth Height:  22½" ~ Birth Weight: 27.0 lbs
MDR #61420
Microchip ID#on file

Sire: HHAA Black 'n' Blue (Bruise), 30½" Black w/Cross
      Grand Sire:  Itsy Bitsy Front and Center, 31" Black w/Star
      Grand Dam:  Sunset Acres Junebug, 32½" Black NLP

Dam:  Sunset Acres Sweet Pea, 33" Black
      Grand Sire:  MGF Homer, 33¼" Black & White Spot
      Grand Dam:  Sunset Acres Ms. B, 34" Black

Click MDR sign for Miniature Donkey Registry Pedigree Punch''s pedigree!

We had another amazing birth take place. We had been watching Target all day and all night to have her foal since she had all the signs of foaling any minute. We had our bedroom monitor locked in on her. It was the wee hours of the morning and I had just walked in to get something to eat when I happened to glance at the computer screen with all the other cams and saw that we had a donkey down and pushing. It was not Target, it was Sweet Pea! I ran into the bedroom and awakened Joe and we both darted out to the barn in time to assist Sweet Pea with her foaling. Sweet Pea had a text book delivery and presented us with the most precious little intermediate points black jennet. We are so blessed to have had such two unbelievable foals back to back.

Sweet Pea was bred to Black n Blue, aka Bruise, our young herd sire and this was his first offspring. We are so excited about what he has produced for us. He and Sweet Pea have put their gene stamp on this gorgeous little girl in a very special way. We could not be any more pleased with Sweet Pea, Bruise, or Sweet Punch. Our friend in Florida, Donna, named this little foal for us. Suits her since she is sweet as can be and her daddy is Bruise, the jack with the 'knock-out' punch! Thanks, Donna, we love her name!

Gone to a new home!

Sweet Punch at two days of age!



HHAA Nic-a-TimeHHAA Nic-a-Time
(Click photo to enlarge)
Dark Red Jack (Gelding)
DOB 4/19/11 @ 11:40pm
Birth Height: 22½" ~ Birth Weight: 30½ lbs.
MDR #61416

Microchip ID#on file

Sire:  My World Winston,  30½" Light Red
      Grand Sire: My World Vincent, 32½" Light Red
      Grand Grand Dam:  My World Myra, 30½" Dark Brown

Dam:  HHAA Kissed By a Rose, 33¼" Dark Red w/Large Star
      Grand Sire: Windcrest Firefly, 30½" Dark Red w/Star
      Grand Grand Dam:  Windcrest Pinkee, 32" Red

Click MDR sign for Miniature Donkey Registry Pedigree Nic's pedigree!

Our 2011 foaling season really started off with a nail biter. We had been waiting for several of our girls to foal but they seemed to be running over their expected due dates. Kissed By a Rose was the only maiden jennet we had due this year so, as always with maiden jennets, we were very anxious for her first time foal to arrive.

Our eyes were glued to the monitor so we could be with her from the very start of her labor. Thank goodness we were watching so closely and could help her through her first foaling, which was quite difficult for her and for Nic. So many times maidens just don’t know enough about what to do to help push that baby on through their birth canal. It took forever so Joe skillfully reached in to extract the foal. He only had the tips of two feet to work with so he had to be very careful. Our hearts were beating so fast and we knew it was a race against time for baby and, of course, for Rosie. After approximately 35 minutes we felt we were going to lose the baby but knew we had to get her foal out and relieve Rosie too. I even covered the barn cam so no one would have to witness what we felt might be a difficult situation. I had already put a call in to our vet to come when all of a sudden Joe was able to secure the foal and carefully pull him out. His little tongue was already turning blue and we feared the worse. Much to our surprise, he started breathing and within a few minutes he was standing up like a pro and nursing in record time, and walking around like “what’s all the fuss about?”……he was truly saved "in the nick of time!!!" It was meant to be that we named him Nic-a-Time. Nic is one of the nicest little jacks we have had born at our farm. He has nice body mass, stocky, straight, compact, and personality plus! What a fantastic boy!!! He weighed in at 30½ lbs. and we really believe he is a thirteen month old foal. He is truly something special which you can readily tell from his photos and his video made when he was only 3 days old. Yes, we plan to offer him for sale…..someday! Right now all we can do is stand back and admire his beauty and Praise the Lord for such a special boy.

Gone to a new home!
Colorado Bound!

Nic's first day outside on 4/22/11!

Thank you to WyCheri at marestare for the foaling video!

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Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born in 2004!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

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Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!Click here to see our foals born from 1996 to 2001!Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkeys Newborns!

Welcome to HAA Miniature Donkeys!

Joe & Dayle Haworth
2359 Feedmill Road
Chapel Hill, Tennessee   37034

Call or Text: Tel.#615-504-4536

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Last Updated:  05/26/2024 15:13:51
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Newborn Logo & Background designed by JKV Designs
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