Inga, 33½" Very Dark Brown
Grand Sire: My World Sidney, 30¼" Dark Gray-Dun
Grand Dam: The Red Gates
Maria, 33½" Black/Brown
We think
Cyn will shed off to be dark brown & white spotted. She actual measured less than 21"
tall! I had jury duty the day this jennet was born. I checked bags at 7am before I left
for court. Did not arrive home until 10pm as I was hung up deliberating a case with my fellow
jury members. I checked bags at 10pm and no one had white milk. My husband arrived home
at 1am to find that Inga had foaled this precious jennet who was still wet in the maternity
ward! Cyn has a negative coggins report dated 12/29/06.
Congratulations to Morgan Bates
Hawk Wind Farm Mattawan, Michigan!!