Our Miniature
Jennets Due to Foal
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Click Here for "Jennets That Have Foals by Their Sides."
Click Here for "Young Future Brood Jennets."
Click Here for "Show Circuit or Ambassador Jennets."
Click Here for "Retired/Deceased Brood Jennets for Reference."
Click Here for "Photos of Bags of Jennets Close to Foaling."
Jennets are lined up from top to bottom
in the order that we expect them to foal.
After they foal the jennets are moved to
the 'Jennets w/Foals by their Sides' page.
Jennets Due To Foal in 2025 at Half Ass Acres
Due Date/Born
1st |
03/27/25 |
Rose |
Cotton Top |
Breathern Ramblin' Rose has been hand bred to Southern Asspitality's fantastic dark red jack, Farmstead's Cotton Top Mounts, for a foal due March 27th, 2025. We are very excited to have his first foal born at Half Ass Acres. Rose began 'bagging up' on 3/11/25. |
2nd |
05/24/25 |
Punch |
Goose |
HHAA Sweet Punch was pastured with HHAA Goosebumps for a foal due on 5/24/25. |
3rd |
07/09/25 |
Prada |
Red Baron |
Prada has been pastured with Feather Ridge's Red Baron from 7/01/24 thru 12/08/24. Her last heat cycle was on 7/09/24. Prada is not looking in foal at this time. |
4th |
'2025 |
Dolly |
Red Baron |
Dolly has been pastured with Feather Ridge's Red Baron from 7/01/24 thru 12/08/24, for her first foal due in 2025. Dolly is not looking like she settled in foal. |
5th |
2025 |
Dixie |
Red Baron |
Dixie has been pastured with Feather Ridge's Red Baron from 7/01/24 thru 12/08/24, for her first foal due in 2025. Dixie is not looking like she is in foal. |
6th |
2025 |
Liza |
Goose |
Liza is now pastured with Goosebumps for a foal hopefully due in the fall of 2025. |
The order of foaling is subject to change as
we observe heat cycles and/or hand breed.
Jennets Due to Foal in 2025
Braethorn Ramblin' Rose
a.k.a. Rosie
Due Date 3/27/25

(Click photos to enlarge)
Video taken January 2021
32" Dark Red Jennet
DOB 6/22/05
MDR #70187
Microchip ID# on file
Sire: Sunset Acres Irish Rambler, 33" Red
Grand Sire: Circle C Black Russian, 30" Black w/Cross
Grand Dam: Double D Farm Little Bit, 31¾" Red
Dam: RoseWood Chloever at Braethorn, 32½" Red
Grand Sire: My World Winston, 31½" Red
Grand Dam: Feather Ridge Nutmeg, 32½" Red
Click MDR sign for Rosie's pedigree!
Rosie was not suppose to arrive at Half Ass Acres all the way from New York in December of 2018 along with five of her stablemates but her husband sent the wrong donkey in the dark. Her owner has been diagnosed and is being treated for a very serious illness and she decided it was time to place her donkeys in another home. We are honored that she trusts us to give the best of care to her precious donkeys from her outstanding breeding program.
Update! Rosie foaled a dark red/brown jennet on 12/27/20 @ 11:22pm. The foal presented nose only with the two front legs folded back. Joe pushed the foal back in, straightened both legs and delivered her safely. Rosie was a trouper throughout the whole ordeal as she seemed to realize that we were helping her. Our hands were full so no birth video was taken close up but we were able to pull the footage off of our barn cams and post it on Penny's page.
Rosie has been hand bred to Southern Asspitality Miniature Donkey's outstanding dark red jack, Farmstead's Cotton Top Mounts, for a foal due first of April, 2025. Rosie began 'bagging up' on 3/11/25. We expect her to foal in 4 to 6 weeks.
Rosie is the dam of two foals:
1) HHAA A Penny Saved, 12/27/20, Dark Brown Jennet
2) HHAA Glass Slipper, 07/16/23, Red/Brown & White Spotted Jennet, we are retaining Cinder for our breeding program.
Sweet Punch
Due Date 5/24/25

(Click photos to enlarge)
HHAA Sweet Punch
33½" Black Jennet w/Cross & Blue/Gray Eyes
DOB 4/23/11 @ 2:51am
Birth Height: 22½" ~ Birth Weight: 27.0 lbs
MDR #61420
Microchip ID# on file
Sire: HHAA Black 'n' Blue (Bruise), 30 ½" Black w/Cross
Grand Sire: Itsy
Bitsy Front and Center, 31" Black w/Star
Grand Dam: Sunset
Acres Junebug, 32 ½" Black NLP
Dam: Sunset
Acres Sweet Pea, 33" Black
Sire: MGF Homer, 33 ¼"
Black & White Spot
Grand Dam: Sunset
Acres Ms. B, 34" Black
Click MDR sign for Punch's pedigree!
Sweet Pea, Punch's dam, was bred to Black n Blue, aka Bruise, our young herd sire and Punch was his first offspring. We are so excited about what he has produced for us. He and Sweet Pea have put their gene stamp on this gorgeous little girl in a very special way. We could not be any more pleased with her. Our friend in Florida, Donna, named this fantastic girl for us. Suits her since she is sweet as can be and her daddy is Bruise, the jack with the 'knock-out' punch! Thanks, Donna, we love her name!
Punch last foal was not in the correct position to be born. Our wonderful vet, Dr. Greg Harris, repositioned him (his head was folded back) and was able to deliver him. Unfortunately the baby was in the birth canal for too long of a period and he died several hours after his birth although our vet valianely attempted to save him. It was just not meant to be. Punch is doing fine and will be bred again next spring after she has had a long rest. We expect her next foal will be due in the spring of 2025....the good Lord willing.
Punch is now pastured with Goose for a foal due in 2025.
Her last heat cycle was 5/24/24.
Punch is the dam of five foals:
1) HHAA Punch Drunk (Tipsy), 11/12/16, black jennet, (Sire: Zoo).
2) HHAA Infinity (Finn), 05/19/18, Very Dark Brown Jack (Gelded), (Sire: Zoo).
3) HHAA Excellente (Ex), 11/01/20, Dark Spotted Jack, (Sire: Kryptonite).
4) HHAA Punchline (Joker), 05/04/22, Masked Spotted Jack (Gelded), (Sire: Goosebumps.)
5) HHAA Fifty Seven Chevy, 09/14/23, Masked Spotted Jack, (Sire: Goosebumps) (this baby passed away shortly after birth due to being in the birth canal for too long..head was turned back)
Kiss on the Lips
a.k.a. Smooch
Due Date 7/08/24

(Click photos to enlarge)
Photos & Videos Taken in June of 2023
HHAA KIss on the Lips
32½" Black & White Spotted Jennet
DOB 8/26/17
Birth Height: 22¼" ~ Birth Weight: 27.4 lbs.
MDR #68427 ~
Microchip ID# on file
Sire: TTW Cowboy's Kalamazoo, 30 5/8" Blk/White Spot
Grand Sire: Short ASSet's Cowboy, 31 ½" Dark Brown
Grand Dam: Arrow Creek Bunny 32 ½" MSF Gray
Dam: HHAA Paper Tyger, 32" Black w/NLP
Grand Sire: Heiken's
Ark Napoleon, 31½" Dk Tri-Colored Spot/NLP
Dam: Gladybrooke
Glorianna, 30 ½" Very Dk Brown
Click MDR sign for Smooch's pedigree!
We finally came up with a name that fits this outstanding jennet. We are confident that she will clip off to be a black and white spot (she did). She is very heavy boned and correct and we could not be happier. She was born during the week that my beloved older sister suffered a stroke and I was not at home long enough to take photos and videos until she was already eight days old.
Update! My sister is home and still improving daily. Thank you for everyone's continued prayers.
Smooch is the dam of two foals:
1) HHAA Milky Way, Black Jennet w/NLP. (sired by Andy).
2) Unnamed, Spotted Jack, 3/30/24, born unalive from a twisted umbilical cord..
Ass-pirin Acres Prada

(Click photos to enlarge)
Rosie's first day outside at five days of age.
Ass-pirin Acres Prada
33½" Red Jennet
Birth Height: 22"
DOB 5/24/09
Microchip ID# on file
Sire: Stoney Acres Ponpeii, 31½" Dark Red
Grand Sire: MGF Prairie Fire, 32&fquot; Red
Grand Dam: White Star's X'Treme Diva, 31" Dark Brown
Dam: Ass-Pirin Acres Jocelyn, 32¼" Dark Brown
Grand Sire: Ass-Pirin Acres Lil Bit of Magic, 32" Dark Brown
Grand Dam: Ass-Pirin Acres Jessalyn, 32" Very Dark Brown
Click MDR sign for Prada's pedigree! (Coming Soon)
Prada's previous owner passed away and she came to us overweight. When we have her weight down to an acceptable size we will try to breed her later this year for a 2025 foal.
Prada has been pastured with Feather Ridge's Red Barron since 6/19/24, for a foal due in 2025. Her last heat cyce was on 7/09/24. Red Baron is young so we don't think he has quite firgured out what to do but we are hoping he will settle her in foal before he leaves for Australia in a few months..
Brayfields Miss Sassafrass Larue

(Click photos to enlarge)
Rosie's first day outside at five days of age.
Brayfields Miss Sassafrass Larue
31½" Red Jennet
DOB 10/01/16
MDR #67197
Microchip ID# on file
Sire: The Elms Mr. Independence, 29 ½" Red
Grand Sire: My World Santana-R-99, 31" Dark Red
Grand Dam: The Elms Ruby Queen, 32" Red
Dam: BR Caprice, 32 ½" Dark Red
Grand Sire: MGF Red Jet, 31½" Dark Redted
Grand Dam: Circle C Flambe', 35¼" Dark Red
Click MDR sign for Dixie's pedigree!
Dixie was part of a herd dispersal we helped sell for the family of a friend that suddenly passed away several years ago. Dixie has been a pet along with her best friend, Dolly, since they went to their new home. Her owner is having serious health problems and offered the girls to us. We were happy to give Dixie a home here at Half Ass Acres. We may try to breed Dixie later this year for a 2025 foal.
Dixie has been pastured with Feather Ridge's Red Barron since 6/19/24, for a foal due in 2025.
Red Baron is young so we don't think he has quite firgured out what to do so we may not have any Red Baron foals in 2025.
Little FriendsTahini

(Click photos to enlarge)
Rosie's first day outside at five days of age.
Little Friends Tahini
30¼" Red Jennet
DOB 1/01/18
Microchip ID# on file
Sire: x
Grand Sire: x
Grand Dam: x
Dam: Little Friends Burindi, 32¾" Dark Brown
Grand Sire: x
Grand Dam: x
Click MDR sign for Dolly's pedigree!
Dolly was part of a herd dispersal we helped sell for the family of a friend that suddenly passed away several years ago. Dolly has been a pet along with her best friend, Dixie, since they went to their new home. Her owner is having serious health problems and offered the girls to us. We were happy to give Dolly a home here at Half Ass Acres. We may try to breed Dolly later this year for a 2025 foal.
Dolly has been pastured with Feather Ridge's Red Barron since 6/19/24, for a foal due in 2025. Red Baron is young so we don't think he has quite firgured out what to do so we may not have any Red Baron foals in 2025.
Little White Lie
a.k.a. Liza
(due fall of 2025)

(Click photos to enlarge)
31" Frosted Spotted White Jennet
DOB 5/25/18 @ 1:15am
Birth Height: 21" ~ Birth Weight: 21.6 lbs.
MDR #69483 ~
Microchip ID# on file
Sire: HHAA Black 'n' Blue (Bruise), 30½" Black w/Cross
Grand Sire: Itsy
Bitsy Front and Center, 31" Black w/Star
Grand Dam: Sunset
Acres Junebug, 32½" Black NLP
Carousel Garden's Sweet Sensation, 30¼" FFSW*
*Fully Frosted Spotted White
Grand Sire:
Kritter Korner's D. K. Casper, 31½" White *FSW
Grand Dam:
Adele's Adorable Arabella, 32" Gray-Dun
Click MDR sign for Liza's pedigree!
Sweetie went into labor close to midnight. Her water broke at 12:32am. When nothing happened for twenty minutes and we did not see anythng in the birth canel we immedietly called the vet. Dr. Harris had delivered another breech foal for us nine years ago so we knew he was more than capable of saving our foal and the mother. After much labor on Dr. Harris' part he was finally able to pull the foal out backwards by her back legs. She was alive!! We have part of this on video as I had to put my camera down and help at times. This little girl is not for sale because her sire was sold out of the country and we want to keep his outstanding bloodlines in our herd.
We named this precious girl Little White Lie because although she is now a light red and white spot she will 'frost out' when she is older and be completely white like her mom. But I sure would love to be totally wrong about that.
So very sorry but this jennet is Not For Sale! Liza has turned out to be one of the most gorgeous and correct jennets we could ever hope for. We are so very thrilled to add her to our future brood jennet band when her show career is over.
Liza, with very limited showing, only needs five more points to earn her excellence in halter with The American Donkey Association. We are going to put off breeding her until her show career is over. We left her at home this year because she always placed in front of Jitterbug but now that Jitterbug does not have to prove herself in halter classes any longer we will begin showing Liza again. We are hoping to finish her excellence so we can then retire her to our brood jennet band. I am sure we will cross her with Goosebumps when the time is right.
Update: Due to my health we decided to go ahead and breed Liza to Goose for a foal due in the fall of 2025.
Outside Video
Video of the breech birth delivered by Dr. Greg Harris
Engman's Half Ass Acres Shimmy

(Click photos
to enlarge)
Engman's Half Ass Acres Shimmy
28 ¾"
Gray Jennet
DOB 7/24/06
MDR Registration #57964
Microchip ID# on file
Sire: Heiken's
Ark Achilles, 27 ½" Gray
Grand Sire: Ozark Little Red
Ninja, 33 ¼" Light Red
Grand Dam: DMF Anastasia, 32¼" Gray
Engman's Toodles, 31" Gray
Grand Sire: Engman's
Ranger, 29" Gray
Grand Dam: DMF Jerrie, 31" Gray
Click MDR sign for Shimmy's pedigree.
don't come any cuter than this tiny toy tank! Shimmy has grown one half of an inch since we updated her papers with her height. We will update them again soon after we are sure she has stopped growing.
Photos and videos above were taken on October 7th, 2010, three days after foaling her first baby, Ten-Four (a.k.a. Roger That). Thank you to Dena Wilson for her assistance in taking Shimmy's photos.
Shimmy is so very tiny that we give her an extra long rest in between her foals. We aren't sure if this helps but we are not taking any chances.
Shimmy was ultrasounded to not be in foal for 2025. She is now recovering from the vet removing a sarcoid around her right eye. We will allow her eye to heal before we attempt to breed her again.
Shimmy is the dam of the following foals:
1) HHAA Ten-Four (Roger That), 10/04/10, gray-dun gelding. Roger is our adored Half Ass Acres mascot, (Sire: Peppercorn Jack);
2) HHAA Hypnotic (Trance), 3/31/14, brown/white spotted jack. (now residing in Colombia, South America!) (Sire: Brick);
3) HHAA ShAmy, 5/01/18, dark gray/white spotted jack, now a herdsire in Tennessee, (Sire: Kryptonite);
4) HHAA Chill Bumps (Chilly), 7/23/20, dark gray/white spotted jennet, (Sire: Goosebumps);
5) HHAA Miss Gummi Bear, 2/14/22, dark brown/gray jennet with no light points. (Sire: Goosebumps).
Kiss on the Lips
a.k.a. Smooch

(Click photos to enlarge)
Photos & Videos Taken in June of 2023
HHAA KIss on the Lips
32½" Black & White Spotted Jennet
DOB 8/26/17
Birth Height: 22¼" ~ Birth Weight: 27.4 lbs.
MDR #68427 ~
Microchip ID# on file
Sire: TTW Cowboy's Kalamazoo, 30 5/8" Blk/White Spot
Grand Sire: Short ASSet's Cowboy, 31 ½" Dark Brown
Grand Dam: Arrow Creek Bunny 32 ½" MSF Gray
Dam: HHAA Paper Tyger, 32" Black w/NLP
Grand Sire: Heiken's
Ark Napoleon, 31½" Dk Tri-Colored Spot/NLP
Dam: Gladybrooke
Glorianna, 30 ½" Very Dk Brown
Click MDR sign for Smooch's pedigree!
We finally came up with a name that fits this outstanding jennet. We are confident that she will clip off to be a black and white spot (she did). She is very heavy boned and correct and we could not be happier. She was born during the week that my beloved older sister suffered a stroke and I was not at home long enough to take photos and videos until she was already eight days old.
Update! My sister is home and still improving daily. Thank you for everyone's continued prayers.
Smooch is the dam of two foals:
1) HHAA Milky Way, Black Jennet w/NLP. (sired by Andy).
2) Unnamed, Spotted Jack, 3/30/24, born unalive from a twisted umbilical cord..
You are on 'Jennets That Are Due to Foal' (or resting) page.
Click Here for "Jennets That Have Foals by Their Sides."
Click Here for "Young Future Brood Jennets."
Click Here for "Show Circuit or Ambassador Jennets."
Click Here for "Retired/Deceased Brood Jennets for Reference."
Click Here for "Photos of Bags of Jennets Close to Foaling."
Joe & Dayle
Half Ass Acres
2359 Feedmill Road Chapel Hill, Tennessee 37034
Call or Text: Tel.#615-504-4536
Web Page: http://www.minidonks.com E-Mail: minidonks@united.net

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'Miniature Donkey Brood Jennets Due to Foal' page!
Updated: March 17th, 2025
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