Silver Gray-Dun Jennet
DOB 4/19/14 @ 5:10 pm
Birth Height: 20¾" ~ Birth Weight: 23.4 lbs.
MDR #64707
Microchip ID#on file
Just born and still soaking wet but mom and daughter are doing well. Video is in progress now!
Sire: HHAA Black 'n' Blue (Bruise), 30½" Black w/Cross
Grand Sire: Itsy
Bitsy Front and Center, 31" Black w/Star
Grand Dam: Sunset
Acres Junebug, 32½" Black NLP
Carousel Garden's Sweet Sensation, 30¼" Frosted Spotted White
Grand Sire:
Kritter Korner's D. K. Casper, 31½" White *FSW
Grand Dam:
Adele's Adorable Arabella, 32" Gray-Dun
Click MDR sign for
Candy's pedigree!
Outside Video taken April 21st, 2014.
Close-up birth video taken at Half Ass Acres.