Black or Dark Brown Jennet
DOB 9/09/18 @ 6:42 am
Birth Height: 21¼" ~ Birth Weight: 18.8 lbs
MDR #69485
Microchip ID#on file
Sire: HHAA Black 'n' Blue (Bruise), 30½" Black w/Cross
Grand Sire: Itsy
Bitsy Front and Center, 31" Black w/Star
Grand Dam: Sunset
Acres Junebug, 32½" Black NLP
Dam: Li'l Angels Hello Dolly, 32½" Light Brown/White Spotted
Grand Sire: Li'l Angels Indiana Jones, 30 ¾" Brown/White Spotted
Grand Dam: Li'l Angels Lacy Doll, 31 ½" Dark Brown, Faint Star
Click MDR sign for
Imagene's pedigree!
We were busy attending the two day NMDA Music City Show and we were not expecting to find Dolly in early labor when we went to the barn to get ready for day two of of the show. We quickly put Dolly in the foaling stall and videoed her birth live on Facebook. This adorable jennet was born on my deceased mother's b'day, Gene Ray, so we named her Dream of Genie. This jennet's sire is now residing in Australia so we are keeping Genie for our future brood band.